
Monday, June 21, 2010

Cue the Mic and Scrub the Sound...

Sound is probably THE thing I'm least comfortable with in video production. Varying levels of ambient noise, setting the camera's levels perfectly, all the technical stuff is hard enough to nail. Not to mention the things you can't always plan for like wireless signals jamming the sound, three dead batteries and no spare in 15 miles or goats chewing through hard-wired mics... I've had it all. And nothing has given me more grief.

Such is the case with the sound in this video. I love the sentiments, the camera work is solid for the most part (though intense background light is a pain...) but the sound is in certain areas disappointing. It's a difficult thing working around crowd noise, the ebbs and flows of nearby conversation can get louder and rowdier, especially late in the day after beer and wine has been enjoyed.

I'd imagine it's rather like working out the kinks in batches of "test" cheese that just aren't up to par. So many variables come together to make the final product. A slight change in vat temperature or audio level, curd set time or ambient crowd noise makes all the difference in cheese make or a video make.

Cheers to all the great cheesemakers from California and beyond who made this event oh-so-cool and a big shout out to the organizers and behind the scenes volunteers who made it happen!

...extra cheesy credit... can you spot the 3 non-California cheesemakers who make cameos? Hint: two are from Washington and one is from Oregon.

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